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Home For The Weekend

I LOVE GENERAL CONFERENCE!!! I really do. It’s one of the highlights of my year. I love listening to the Prophet and my other favorite apostles speak inspired words to the world. Sometimes I feel like they are speaking just to me. Our family snuggles up in the basement with all the furniture moved and turned to face the TV. I grab my notebook and a pen and get ready to be inspired.

I had work on Saturday so I still need to catch up, but I did watch Elder Holland’s and Pres. Uchtdorf’s talks because I can never go too long without hearing them speak. You could say those two are my celebrity crushes, Zac Efron is a close third. I really loved Elder Bednar’s talk too-it was probably my most favorite. Although he mentioned his talk was directed towards people not of our faith, I listened just the same, if not more intently. His words made my desire to serve a mission deepen. I want everyone to have what I have. I want people with sadness in their life to feel happiness that they don’t even know exists. I want them to know that their guilt can be taken away because of the Savior. I want them to know that they can be with their families forever. This is why I want to go on a mission.

I came away from conference with a better resolve to improve my life day to day. These men and women are inspired of the Lord, and I know of no better solution to my problems, fears, and frustrations than the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We can pray to our Heavenly Father and I knowHe will answer our prayers. We have the scriptures to fill us with the Spirit and give us personal revelation. We have neighbors, friends, and family and most importantly the Savior, all around us for love and support. It is such a blessing to me to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

After conference, we drove up the canyon and took some pictures. This world, man. I don’t get out enough. There is a unique feeling you feel out in nature that you don’t feel many other places, and I absolutely love it! Anybody wanna go on a hike? Or a picnic? Or camping? I do.

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