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Two Year-Old isms

I interact with 2 year-olds more often than most people my age, I would say. I love them with all my heart. And they say some adorable/hilarious/totally grown-up things all the time! It’s my favorite thing to see them creating their own personalities. I can’t wait to have kids of my own! Actually I take that back. I can wait. But let’s just say I’m super excited. I have so much love for these kids, so I can’t imagine the love I will have for my own.

Anyway, like I said, they say funny things, and also maybe what makes it even cuter is their high voices and 2 year-old accents, so incorporate those things when you read them… here are a few that I can remember:

I was going up the stairs to put Winston to bed, hoping he would follow, and he says, “Babe, hold on. Don’t go up yet. Stay right there, okay?” Hahahahaha!!! I was dying!!! First time a man has called me babe. And by man, I mean todler.

“What’s going on?!”- Winston when the music wouldn’t play the song he wanted.

“Sister Mahk-lay-lia, here are your pancakes!” -Juliette in nursery. It wouldn’t be nursery if we didn’t make pancakes. Every. Single. Time. They love it.

Win has blackout curtains to make his room darker that you put up when he goes to bed. I turned off his light but light was still coming through the window, so he gets off his bed and goes in his closet and says, “Here’s this if you want it.” pulling out the blackout curtains. Haha!

I was singing “I Love To See The Temple” to Juliette and Lydia in nursery, and I sang the part, “this is my sacred duty.” and Lydia says, “No! She not sacred duty! She Jet Jet!” (Juliette)

I was singing songs to Winston before he went to bed, and after each one he would say, “Hey maybe we could sing another song!” Totally trying to stall. How could I say no to those big blue eyes… I like to think he thinks I’m a good singer.

I was sitting on those mini chairs in nursery and Lydia comes up to my face, literally 4 inches away, and gently touches my necklace and whispers, “It’s SO CUUUTE!!!” Hahaha! The funny thing is I always ask her if she is cute and she always says no. But apparently my necklace is cute.

Winston knows a handful of scriptures by heart. One night he was saying 1 Nephi 3:7 and he said, “…save he shall prepare a way for them that they may always have his spirit to be with them.” Haha! He mixed in the sacrament prayer at the end. Honest mistake. The cutest.

Me: trying to be cool and flipping the fake hamburger bun in the air and trying to catch it and I accidentally hit Lydia in the face. Me: “Oh!! I’m so sorry! Are you okay?!” Lydia: Touches her face and looks at me. “Don’t do that again.”

Me: “Lydia are you cute?” Lydia: “Yeah…” Me: “Do you think Ryker is cute?” Lydia: “No Ryker not cute. He not have two pig tails.” (as she touches her pigtails.)

Juliette and Lydia are in my Nursery class, if that wasn’t clear. Winston is just my little bud. His mom is gracious and invites me over to play sometimes.

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