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A Word Of Wisdom

So the wisdom teeth came out Friday. Not the worst experience of my life, but at the same time I wouldn’t recommend it to anybody. Blurry vision, one half of my face numb, spitting out blood, throbbing pain, not being able to open my mouth more than an inch, eating hardly anything cause it takes too much effort…yeah no. Not fun.

I thought I’d rewind and take you along with me, cause I know you all wish you could’ve been there.

From the beginning:

^^^At work. Those were, unfortunately, the quickest five hours of my life. Right after work came the pain.^^^

^^^They made me watch this video explaining the procedure and telling me the possible symptoms, one of which was “potentially death”.^^^

^^^Next: gargling their mouth wash.^^^

^^^Looking at the x-ray. Thank goodness I only had three.^^^

^^^Vanilla laughing gas. Delicious.^^^

^^^Here they are…prize winners in my opinion…^^^

Now for the video…ps this is only a portion of the hours worth of video.

Part 1: waking up…

Part 2: car ride home…

Part 3: at home…

Oh and a word of wisdom for y’all: Pain is fuel.

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